Wim Kardux

Sector Advies en consultancy


Voornaam: Wim

Achternaam: Kardux

Telefoon: +31 (0)6- 13989365

E-mailadres: omo.wimkardux@gmail.com

Zakelijke gegevens

Bedrijfsnaam: OMO

Adres: Pr. Willem Alexanderstraat 21, 3241 TD Middelharnis

Telefoon: +31 (0)6- 13989365

Website: www.dutchorangeurope.com


OMO started in 2018 with the following questions from the market:
- There will be a leak of labour in the future, due to the Babyboom 1948
- We will need more smart solutions
- Make the environment greener
- Make the world safer

Wim Kardux has over 35 years experience in finding and developing solutions in International machine building and trade in the Food, Energy, Dredging and Plastic Industry.

Due to this and the present developments in the world, shows us how fragile we are. Relationships will withstand this most challenging time. These relationships worldwide will only be there if you put time and knowledge in this. If you will not do this you will fale and your business will be broken.


VRAAG Aan Wim?

Heb jij een vraag aan Wim over zijn vak? Kijk dan snel of hij al op onze chat zit of connect via LinkedIn.