Pierre Passier

Sector Handel


Voornaam: Pierre

Achternaam: Passier

Telefoon: +31 (0)6 512 612 54

E-mailadres: info@e2new.com

Zakelijke gegevens

Bedrijfsnaam: Timberwolf bv

Aantal medewerkers: 2

Adres: Heimolen 67, Bergen op Zoom

Telefoon: +31 (0)6 512 612 54

Website: www.e2new.com


Timberwolf bv

E2new has the equipment in stock that you are looking for or we will find it in the market for you. We offer major brands like ADIC, Brocade, Cisco, EMC, Emulex, Fujitsu, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi/HDS, Hoei Sangyo, IBM, Imation, Microboards, Netapps, Primera, Quantum, SGI, Storagetek and Sun, among others.

E2new is a subsidiary of Timberwolf IT Solutions (E2new stands for Equipment2new) and provides new and as good as new equipment. Our company is aiming on the (re-) usage of IT Equipment in a way that it can be justified on technical and economical reasons without doing concessions on quality and reliability.


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