Maarten van Hasselt

Sector Advies & Consultancy


Voornaam: Maarten

Achternaam: van Hasselt

Telefoon: 0634120542


Zakelijke gegevens

Bedrijfsnaam: Mistura Fina BV

Adres: Oud Over 117 WS, 3632VC Loenen aan de Vecht

Website: NVT


Mistura Fina BV

Advies over International Commercial Strategy. Ervaring in JV, acquisities, de-mergers, complexe onderhandelingen. Van Hasselt has built his career in leadership roles within major industrial companies, always focusing on creating profitable long-term sustainable value. He has held integrated P&L, commercial line executive positions, and board memberships, as well as advisory roles in large consultancies and in his own company. He excels at integrating varied, multicultural, dotted line relationships both locally and across large business areas. Van Hasselt provides leadership to teams of young managers.

He coaches them for performance, shares his expertise, and is highly sought after as a mentor and career adviser. He serves as an Assistant-Professor at Erasmus University, specializing in Business Economics and Marketing Strategy. Maarten has an MBA and BSc in Mechanical Engineering (that explains the “Toolkit”). He has also completed executive programs at MIT, INSEAD, and IMD. The Energy Institute has endorsed him as a Fellow (FEI). He is a Certified Champion Deal Leader (CCDL) and CRKBO licensed docent.

Maarten is fluent in Dutch, English, Spanish, German, and Portuguese, and has basic knowledge of French and Italian. This allows him to operate effectively locally and globally. Having lived and worked in Latin America, Europe, and the US for many years, and with projects in the Middle and Far East, Maarten has gained valuable experience and insights into different business cultures.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Maarten is an experienced coastal yachtsman. He also coaches yacht owners on offshore safety.  



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